2010년 9월 29일 수요일

It's very cold outside. :(

Just 2 weeks ago, (or maybe 1 week ago?) The weather is very hot.
The hot sun , hot sticky breeze,...
But It's very cold outside today and yesterday!!

Do you really think this is possible?
I don't know "Fall" really exists. Korea is not  4 seasons-country anymore!

This morning, the lowest temperature in seoul is 9℃.
구름 조금(9/29, morning)

It will  rain for this week, then It will be super more cold than these days!

Ah.......Where is my lovely fall? :(

Anyway, Take care not to catch cold. I think I've got a cold. Ahchoo!!!

댓글 2개:

  1. Hi~ you are like weather caster. (hahaha)
    as your post, it is very cold nowadays...

    Ah~ i am scared at tomorrow's weather...
